Sunday, October 10, 2010

I've got a whale of a tale to tell ye lads

List of my life:
  • Yeah remeberer when I said I was getting a guitar to learn how to play? Well, I lied. I got a ukulele instead! It is my new baby. I still have yet to learn anything on it, but do not fear it still gets love from all the random people who have skills and play it as soon as they lay their talented eyes upon it.
  • How many of you are familiar with sarcasm? I am a big fan of it. I use it on the daily. Right now you should be my friend because for the next two weeks I cannot say anything negative, sarcastic or complain. In fact, I can only compliment and say uplifting things. Now, I am a very kind and nice person, don't let those last few sentences mislead you. I am genuinly happy I just happen to love to spice up conversations with sarcasm.
  • Have you ever had a flour fight? I highly recommend it. Just look at how beautiful you become after you have dominated one!



  • Here is a shout out to Russell for texting me the other day and making me :]
  • Experiencing the blowing up a yogurt will make any night a good one, I promise
  • Can I say if you have a truck covered in mud, you should seriously be my friend
  • I love prank wars!
  • Everyone needs to experience General Conference once in this lifetime
  • I can now check off my list "visitng a giant spud":

  • Got a song dedicated to me and three of the roommates at a luau concert
  • One word songs are a crowd pleaser, take my word for it, especailly if the one word is "flowers" or "brownies" and you had them the object that you sang
  • Just a bit of advice from me to you: yoga and meditation really are liberating
  • Perfectionism is stressful for everyone that is around it

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Can't stop me now!

Well, to say the least, life has been one non-stop roller coaster ride. My big sister is married and the wedding was breath taking on the beach. Being surrounded by family with toes in the sand and dolphins jumping in the horizon does something to a person's soul. It was complete bliss. And being stuffed with delicious cake and pickled okra also helps in feeling wonder ful :] I watched massive killer whales flip in the air like there was no gravity holding us down, I saved Atlantis three times and watched military boys (yes, boys) become giddy when splashed by sea creatures and had my night lit up with fireworks.

Then before I knew it I started school and fell in love with being in Rexburg all over again. I thought spring was a fantastic semester, now I believe this semester is going to teach me who I am even more. Right off, the roommates became my best friends. Each one brings their little quirks, and I am still amazed no matter how many different situations you are in, you still learn from each individual. I am embracing yoga, late night strolls to get chicken nuggets at Broulims, and listening to random songs from youtube with every inch of my being.
This place has given me my first demolition derby, first conference session live in Utah with Brenna, first time putting on a show for school and first ukulele. In fact I believe this place will be the best for me in the winter also.

So, surprise, surprise I have a year plan! I am staying here in the Burg in the winter to work, go to school in the spring, then go to China in the fall to teach english! I am sorry to say I had to postpone my interneship with Disneyworld, I just feel like this isn't the best time for me to go to Florida. I am still planning on going sometime in the future though (if they allow me to....)

Just remember, shine your light to the world, for you never know who needs to escape from the darkness.