Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"Stop seeking out the storms; enjoy the sunlight." -President Gordon B. Hinkley

"You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you can find your prince." -Brother Hannah
(Photo by William Robert Symonds)

For freebies:
bionic-beauty.com (I would also suggest setting up a second email account for all of the stuff that will get sent to you aka spam)

For cleaning;

For a really interesting online magazine:
N.E.E.T Magazine (google it)

If you want your eyes to laugh:

If you want to see people doing good:
Lastly, I would like to say, Count your blessings. Everything that is given to you in life is a blessing, even if it is disguised. You can either be cynical or grateful. I'm learning that you need to just be grateful.

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